What Not To Do When You Get Sick

by | Chiropractic, Health

The last couple weeks I’ve been getting a lot of patients coming in that are either sick or just getting over being sick. The flu and colds seem to be getting a bunch of people right now.

Now, when people get sick, what’s the first thing they do?

Cancel their appointments.

We’ve had several patients call to tell us they’d have to reschedule their appointment because they weren’t feeling well.
My recommendation to you is if you’re not feeling well, don’t cancel your appointment. Come in and get your adjustment.
Here’s why. When you get chiropractic care, it improves the function of your body. This includes boosting your immune system. Adjustments are a great way to naturally help you get over being sick.

I’ve seen it countless times before. Patients who get adjusted when they get sick recover faster and feel better sooner.
So if you are struggling with a cold, the flu, a sinus infection…or whatever ailment, let me help you get over it by giving your immune system a boost!

One question patients ask me is, “What if I or my child is contagious?” My answer is if you think you or your child is contagious and you worry about getting others in the office sick, then wait a day or two and then come in to get adjusted.
The next time you get sick, try adding chiropractic care to your plan of attack. You’ll be glad you did!

Have a great day!


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